What is BYP?
BYP is a casual networking group for young professionals, from any industry, in Bristol. We host monthly events on the first Thursday of the month - except for special occasions; our Summer and Christmas parties/the new year. BYP has been running for a decade, in one form or another.
How does it work?
You can just turn up, unless we need to operate a guestlist at the venue or it is a paid-for special event. We don't do 'welcomers' or name-badges or anything formal. It is purely an evening for people wanting to increase their social/networking circle (and grab a few drinks if we have a sponsor!) and have a good night!
What do I do when I get there?
Introduce yourself! There is someone from the Committee at each event to hand out drinks tokens if we have a sponsor. When these run out, they run out. When there is no sponsorship it still runs, people just pay for their own, often with a drinks deal at the venue.
Am I eligible?
We welcome everyone who considers themselves a young professional, no restrictions. Understandably, for the city, we welcome lots of lawyers, people in property and the financial industry but there really is a huge range from photographers to nurses, pilots to entrepreneurs. There is no age limit.
Who runs BYP?
The people that organise BYP are young professionals with no hidden agenda, we just quite like getting people together, so we send out an email and you come for drinks - simple!
What else?
Did you know that over the past 10 years we've donated £26,000 to charity via our Quartet Fund? We fundraise as we go at our ticketed events and it gets allocated to deserving local projects for young people at the Committee's discretion on behalf of BYP.